

Follow the journey of GB Ultra runners Damian Hall and Beth Pascall as they attempt to set a new fastest known time (FKT) on the most remote, long distance trail in Great Britain. “If you’re coming up here tomorrow, you’d better bring a body bag,” one of the local Gamekeepers commented to Beth and Damian. On the surface this is a story of superhuman physical and mental strength, but the deeper tale is one of camaraderie, escapism and isolation. Their journey becomes less about record times and becomes an immersive antidote to the modern world. The Cape Wrath Trail is Britain’s wildest, most remote and toughest trail. The unmarked path winds 230 mile northwards from Fort William through some of Britain’s most rugged terrain to the lighthouse at Cape Wrath, the most north-westerly point on the mainland. Their challenge takes place in December, when Scottish weather is normally at its most unpredictable and fierce. The runners have only 6 hours of daylight each day. Damian and Beth battle exhaustion, traverse mountain ranges, run over snow capped summits, refuel in remote mountain huts, pushing faster and faster in a bid to break the speed record along this captivating, untamed and inordinately beautiful landscape.
